Welcome to my family tree site. My name is Roger Bodman; I have recently discovered genealogy and started to trace my family tree. My father never knew any of his Bodman ancestors, as his father died early and so it has been a major discovery to learn that we can trace our line back to the 16th Century, and that we have some living relatives!
Bodman ="Messenger" from BODE (message) MAN. Possible variations Bodenham, Bodingham, Bodmin.
I have received considerable help from people through the internet and email, and from letters sent to other researchers. The information contained here is a combination of my research and other sources, but I don't guarantee its accuracy as I have verified only a small portion in my tree-branch, from George Bodman b. 1820 through to me!
The main source has been from my second cousin, Helen Drew who has provided a copy of a family tree prepared by Sybil Tyler Bennett, plus parish record extracts.
Prepared by:
Roger William Bodman
34 Woodlands Grove
Tel: 613 9783 6601
Send e-mail to: rwbodman@gmail.com
(This web site last updated 20 Dec 2010 )